Have a Witchy New Year!


Have a Witchy New Year!

Hello all my witches! I hope that the ending of this year finds you well and if not, a new year is a great time for a new you! We can decide at any time to change our life into something that brings us joy and fulfillment. We are just past a new moon so it’s a double whammy great time for new beginnings. On that note please enjoy this New Year blog post of manifesting, spells and tips on bringing in the new year in witchy style!

Before the new moon we sit in the waning moon. This time of endings is so fitting for releasing the old year and welcoming the new. This is when you finish up shadow work, and cleaning space for what’s to come. Out with the old and in with the new! So this new Year, try these:

New Year Manifesting

Start off by joyfully cleansing your space! Throw out or donate what you don’t need. Cleanse the energy with smoke, crystals, sprays, chants or whatever you like to use. Play your favorite music loudly and sing and dance as you go. Feel gratitude for what has come before, lessons, loves, losses and release them as well. Make space in all areas for the new.

Release the old.

What do you need to let go of? What are you changing?

Write them down. See them, feel them , release them. Burn the paper and let them go.

Next set your new intentions!

Feel them, imagine them, live in them. How will your life be with your intentions met? How will you feel?

Write them down and see them. Keep the paper with you and reread it when you need a boost and inspiration.

Welcome the New Year Tip

As the clock hits midnight on new year’s eve open your front and back doors. Call out, “Out with the old and in with the new!”

If you want you can even combine a sweeping spell with a broom or besom.

Besom, besom

my sacred broom,

sweep away darkness and gloom.

Thrice around negative energy bound.

Sweep, sweep out the door.

This energy shall bother me no more!

New Year Braid Spell

You need:

Three strands of thread or string – 1 green for growth, 1 black or white for what you are releasing, 1 red for your wish.

A fire safe bowl or pot.

First cut three equal pieces of string, one of each color.

Pick up each string and name it what it represents. Braid them together, repeating the name of the string as you cross them. When you are done knot both ends.

As the New year begins burn your braid and say:

What I wish to grow, will start and grow.

What I wish to go, will burn to ash.

What I wish for, this fire will create it true.”

Have a joyous new year! Stay safe and fill your heart with excitement for the new, gratitude for what has gone and love!

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