Hey witches! I get a lot of requests for help with magick. Some straight out ask me to do spells for them which I don’t do. I will give advice on things I think they can do to help themselves. So if you’re looking for “spells for money” witches this is not the place, I don’t sell magick. I want people to create their own magick. One type I get asked a lot for is forcing a person to do what the asker wants them to do. There are a few really significant problems with this. The first being I’m not connected to these people so anything I do won’t be as successful as someone who is directly involved with the situation. Another problem is for me, ethically, I don’t know the true situation. The final and most important problem is free will. Free will is a very powerful thing and trying to control another person is largely unsuccessful and can cause unwanted, unintended consequences. While I am not Wiccan or believe in westernized karma, I don’t like to hurt people.
The biggest reason I want people to create their own magick is that their intent for their lives and the people around them will always be more effective coming from them. We each have the ability to craft our own magick and I feel like it’s my job to help people find it. It creates healing and personal empowerment and it’s very important. This also leads me into my second issue.
People can write me a book on their situation and the person they are looking to control and I would still only have their side of the situation. Right off the bat if someone is asking for help to make another person do what they want it’s already looking pretty toxic. You cannot control another person. Saying you love them and want the best for them is fine. There are plenty of spells you can do to help someone heal or have courage. Saying you want to make them have a relationship with you is not fine for them and is it the best for them? I’m always wary of people who want to control others. While love spells are one of the most commonly asked for they are not the only controlling dynamic people look for. A huge part of witchcraft and manifesting is letting go of attachments that can cause lack such as the feeling of desperately needing another person. You would be better off looking to heal your need and fear and then after healing ask for the perfect relationship for you and not a specific person. Wanting to force someone to make a change in their lives that you feel would be for the best is also controlling. You would be better off looking at the situation and creating truth or justice magick that may lead them to a better choice or justice that might also be not what you expected or planned. They are not you and their needs and path will follow along their choices and desires, not yours. Which leads to the next issue.
Free will is a persons ability to go through their lives as they see fit. You may not agree with what they do but their choices are directly related to their soul lessons and what they are here to do. You cannot change that. Their path will always still be their path. Doing a spell to make someone do a specific thing may actually work for a time and the consequences can be disastrous. Say you create a successful love spell on someone you desire and later you find your actual love. Now you have to detach from this person or stay and miss out on your true love. You have now caused yourself and others a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering. This is why most witches will suggest self love and personal healing magick in these situations. Your intent should be very clear, what do you want? What don’t you want? Your target should be vague. You are asking for the perfect love, romantic partner for you and not a specific person. For non romantic issues such as removing a toxic person or stopping gossip or abuse there are also ways to sever ties or create urges or situations that can move people away from you that do not directly effect free will and would work much better.
This is not a write up on do no harm or Wiccan karmic rules. This is about the fact that you cannot change someone’s soul path/free will. Free will is powerful and while you can stir the pot with spells nothing you do will permanently change that persons path. You can control you and that’s where the actual magick happens.
Happy crafting!