Common Herbs, Plants and Spices in Witchcraft


Common Herbs, Plants and Spices in Witchcraft

Hey witches! I’m planning what I want to grow this season and I realized I didn’t have a blog on herbs! Not just herbs but plants, roots and spices as well. Just a quick rundown of some common herbs and what their magical association is. These plants can have different meaning to different people based on personal experience, location and beliefs so take this list as a suggestion. Like all things witchy, it’s always a suggestion. Your magick and how you practice are yours to discover. You are the alchemist.

Herbs, Plants, Spices and Common Witchcraft Meanings

Allspice – luck, healing and money
Aloe – protection and luck
Anise – protection, enhances psychic ability, joy, sleep
Apple – sex, fertility, protection
Basil – love, protection, courage and money
Bay Leaf – purification, protection, psychic, healing and strength
Belladonna – forgetting heartache, healing (poisonous don’t ingest)
Black Walnut – wishing, divinity
Calendula – protection, justice, psychic
Caraway Seed – memory, the mind, fidelity, love
Cinnamon – prosperity, luck, love, protection
Catnip – sleep protection and beauty
Chamomile – relaxing, love, healing
Cilantro – creativity, friendship, attraction, persuasion
Cloves – spiritual awakening, banishing negativity, protection
Dandelion – body cleansing, sleep
Dill – protection specifically children, luck, happiness
Echinacea – magickal booster
Elderberries – blessing, sleep, protection, wisdom
Eucalyptus – purification, healing, protection
Frankincense – meditation, productivity, cleansing
Garlic – healing, protection spiritually and physically
Ginger – success, confidence, sex, prosperity
Ginkgo Biloba – mind, wisdom, fertility, aphrodisiac
Hibiscus – dreams, love, sexual love, divining
Jasmine – psychic booster, clairvoyance, divining
Lavender – sleep, healing, love, peace, purification
Lemon Balm – success, healing, love, psychic booster
Lemon Verbena – attraction, peaceful sleep
Lemongrass – cleansing psychically, opening abilities, sexual attraction
Licorice Root – fidelity, love, sex, lust
Marshmallow Root – psychic booster, psychic protection
Mint – protection, cleansing, sleep
Mistletoe – attraction, success, protection, repels the negative or evil
Mugwort – fertility, mind protection, sexual attraction
Mullein – calming, mental clarity, releasing
Mustard Seed – endurance, self confidence/trust, endurance
Myrrh – magic and psychic enhancer
Nettle – protection from negativity and evil
Orange – blessings, love, money, attraction
Oregano – love, romance, joy, luck
Palo Santo – protection, cleansing physical and spiritual
Paprika – magic booster
Parsley – wards off evil
Passion Flower – sexual energy, friendship, prosperity
Patchouli – sexual energy, wealth, love
Peppercorn – spiritual protection
Poppy – awareness boost, luck, love
Raspberry Leaf – protection, healing, love, luck
Rose – friendship, love, happiness
Rosemary – memory, protection, love
Sage – cleansing, purification, prosperity
Slippery Elm Bark – stopping gossip, protection
St John’s Wort – protection, dreaming
Sunflower – sun symbol, light, energy, wisdom
Sweet Marjoram – love, health, protection, joy
Thistle – protection, strength, purification
Thyme – cleansing, purifying, courage, health, grief
Turmeric – vitality, healing, strength
Vanilla – passion, energy, love
Wintergreen – fortune, luck, purification
Witch Hazel – eases grief, heightens magick
Yarrow – strengthens psychic ability or creates psychic ability, banishing, courage, love

There are so many more but I tried to come up with common in the herb garden and kitchen ingredients. The most commonly familiar. Let me know what your favorites are! What have you discovered on your witchcraft journey.

Remember to always be aware of what you’re using. Herbs and plants have chemicals in them that can interact with medications, build up in your system or cause other undesirable effects. Know your herbs!

Happy Crafting!

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