Greetings witches! I have gotten many requests for information on cord cutting and decided a blog post was in order.
We go through many relationships in our lives and most of them are only ours for a short while. People come and go in and out of our lives to give us what we need at the time. Many are not meant to stay forever. The lessons we need change as we grow but sometimes it’s hard to let go. Sometimes it’s a lesson in getting someone to leave and other times a lesson in letting them leave. Sometimes the relationship is over but the connections won’t break for whatever reason. All relationships form emotional and spiritual cords between us. Severing that connection is the basis of cord cutting. This ritual can help with any letting go issues.
I suggest if you preform a cord cutting spell to record it. The process can tell you many things such as the way the wax melts. Check out my blog on candle magick for information on candle smoke, flame and wax spell divination.
Cord cutting is powerful and personal. You will see many “this is how you do it” posts and videos but in reality only the basics are truly the spell. Whatever you add to the spell is what makes it your cord cutting. The basics are your intent, two candles, one to represent you and one to represent the person you are cutting away. You also need string or twine to tie the candles together. When you light the candles they will burn the string, cutting the cord between you. Acknowledge the relationship, accept it and let it go.
How you set up your spell should have meaning to the relationship you are cutting away. Like any spell or ritual you craft the color of the string, the oils you anoint the candles with, candle carving, pictures or other physical representations, crystals, herbs, should all represent your relationship and spell desire. Many use spoken spells, many do not. If you want to add a spoken spell it is entirely up to you. The words should also be specific to the relationship.
Cord Cutting Written Word Example
Always use a fire safe plate and area for candle magick. Cord cutting requires the full burn of the candles so make sure you have time and don’t leave them unattended. Safety first!
I would love to see your cord cutting rituals and outcomes.
Happy crafting!